Why use a graphic designer?

So today’s post is less of a personal piece. I want to focus on the role of a graphic designer and how we can be useful to you.

Graphic design has become a real “buzz” term over the last few years. Online it’s often used as a throwaway joke. It’s not seen as a genuine profession or it’s viewed as something that’s very superficial. However, I believe there is a lot more significance to graphic design and there are many benefits to hiring a graphic designer to assist you.

My favourite part of working with clients is getting to know them and their business. The most important factor for me is that I understand you and your business inside out. This allows me to view your business as you do, which then makes it easier for me to create the perfect design for the ethos and message that you’re trying to communicate.

Quite often I’ve found that many clients don’t know exactly what they want; but they’re looking for something that feels right. Using the knowledge from the initial conversations with clients, I’m able to create things that are sometimes very outside of the box from what they had imagined but that matches the “vibe” of their business.

Communication is the biggest tool in graphic design so that we can build something that we both agree aligns with what you’re looking for.

So the obvious question is; if you know what you’re looking for, why don’t you just do your own graphics?

The simpliest answer is time and efficency. I’m a firm believer that everyone has their own artistic skills however tapping into these skills for the purpose of designing a logo or business card can take a significant amount of time. By hiring someone who already has the knowledge and experience to create what you’re envisioning, you’re saving yourself time to work on other aspects of your business. Not to mention that your graphic designer will be skilled in using lots of different techniques and programmes (I like to use the Adobe suite) that will create very high quality designs in a much shorter amount of time.

This process is made even more efficient when repeatedly using the same graphic designer as they will then get to know the business even further and can create consistency in all of their individual pieces for you.

I have a couple of clients who have come back to me a couple of times, and it is always much easier to create a design when you already understand the client and what they are looking for.

By taking the pressure of design away from you, you can put your attention on the many other areas of your business. You can rest assured that your design will be completed in a timely manner with plenty of updates throughout the process, allowing you to get your business up and running much quicker.

And, as I mentioned earlier, you can also sometimes end up with something that you would never have thought of, thanks to having someone else’s input in your vision. Sometimes it can be easy to get lost in what you’re looking for with your business - I know that I struggled a lot with that when I was building Brave Little Foxes. Having someone else to bounce ideas off of can lead to even more incredible and unique plans.

Design is a collaboration and I’ve really enjoyed working with all of my clients to create their perfect graphics. Sometimes pieces have gone in a completely different direction than what I and the client had planned but that’s all part of the fun.

I’m so grateful for everyone that has worked with Brave Little Foxes so far. Being trusted to help build your visions has been so exciting for me and I can’t wait to continue that journey with future clients.

So if you’re considering design for something; whether it’s a business, an event, custom christmas cards, wedding invitations or something else, give me a message. I’d love to help you grow your idea into a reality.

- Em x


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