i have a voice

This last week has been a really big one for Brave Little Foxes.

I had the pleasure of visiting one of my clients in the last week and was able to see my work in real life - which was a big milestone for me. This is even more exciting when you learn that said client is a restaurant and so I was also able to eat lots of yummy food too!

You can see our work with them in our portfolio.

(Massive shout out to everyone at Eighty Ate Burger in Reigate - I had an amazing time!)

It was a really big boost for me and reminded me that what I’m doing is real and can have an impact on the world around me.

I know it sounds a little corny but it’s one thing to see your work on a laptop screen and it’s another to see members of the public reading what you’ve made.

I was grinning ear to ear all night.

I want to share this joy with you all because to be completely honest, the last week has been a little tough for me.

The novelty of a new business being launched is now starting to wear off and the reality of building a reputation for myself and my business has been starting to hit me.

Suddenly I feel a pressure to create more, to have more to post and to share. They’re skills that don’t really come naturally to me, especially social media, and so it’s something I’m working on and still learning about.

Anyone who knows me privately knows that I’m not always comfortable being open. Sharing privately with friends is easy but proclaiming my story for the world to hear? I suppose I didn’t think I had anything worthy of being shared so openly.

This feeling then explains why me launching my business was such a big deal. Everyone in my immediate life knew I was exploring graphic design long before my website was up and so the act of sharing it publicly felt very official and daunting.

As I’ve shared on here before, it has already been an extremely rewarding experience; allowing me to connect with so many of you who share similar stories and journeys but I think the permanence of the internet was what scared me.

But having said that, I’ve never felt so motivated in a project before.

I’ve shared in a previous post how much weight I put into signs and spirituality before. Since Brave Little Foxes has launched, I’ve never seen so many foxes and every time I’ve doubted what I’m doing, I’ve recieved a message or a follow or a like that has reminded me why I’m doing this.

My work has purpose and meaning and I think that shows through the pieces I’ve shared on here already…and the many more that I’m currently working on and cannot wait to share!

The next few weeks hold a lot of personal battles for me; things that I won’t share on the internet for now, but my love and passion for this business is the driving force that is keeping me going through it all.

I have a voice and it deserves to be heard, and I’m finally starting to understand that it’s okay for me to shout about it.

So…shout I will!

Somehow I’ve begun a tradition with leaving you all a thought or a life lesson with each post. I suppose the obvious message for this week would be “Be loud and proud” or something to that effect.

Instead I want to fill you with courage and bravery for the months ahead. This time of year is difficult for many and so I hope you are able to hold onto something that reminds you why all of this is worth it. And whether you share that thing with the world or keep it secret in a journal - I hope it brings you all the strength you need over the next few weeks.

We’ve got this :)

- Em x


Why use a graphic designer?


My Inner Critic