ENDO and me

I love being creative. Before I even considered graphic design, I was studying musical theatre with the intention of going professional. For over five years that was my plan. Unfortunately my body had other plans.

I’m often asked when my symptoms started, and although they began worsening significantly in the last couple of years, I have been living with some form of pain since I was twelve. My teenage years were filled with days of me curled up in agony with painful periods - even then I knew it wasn’t normal.

It wasn’t until I was in my twenties that I was finally diagnosed with Endometriosis. By then, I knew an awful lot about it and was already quite confident that I had it.

Endometriosis is a condition that is lacking in research significantly. It is when cells similar to those created inside the uterus begin to grow on the outside of the internal reproductive organs. It can cause a wide range of symptoms and although it can be managed through surgeries, it is impossible to treat completely and will nearly always grow back when removed.

By the time of my diagnosis, I was experiencing severe pain accompanied with nausea and fatigue every day. Normal life for me had become days on end in bed, a hot water bottle accompanying me everywhere and being high on pain medication constantly.

It was only six months after having my endo diagnosed that I had to walk away from musical theatre training. It was the hardest decision I’ve had to make and still gets me a little teary to think about. I felt completely lost without my ambition.

But - I’m still here.

Although theatre isn’t a possibility right now, I am still able to channel my creative energy into something meaningful and productive.

…and that’s how Brave Little Foxes began.

It started with me trying to get out all of the feelings I was experiencing; wanting to create art that expressed what daily life was like for me and to support other people struggling with endo.

Before long I started chatting with potential clients and started taking on freelance commissions, building my skills, knowledge and personal style.

A year later and here we are. For the first time since training I feel like I have my mojo and spark back. I can be just as expressive as I would be in a leotard and character heels - just this time I can do it from the comfort of my bed.

I’ve still got a long way to go in learning to love and accept my body with all it’s complications but working for myself and building a career that can fit around my disability is an enormous step for me.

This blog is going to document that journey, as well as sharing all of the tips and tricks that I’m picking up on the way as a freelance graphic designer.

So please stay tuned - there’s lots of exciting things to come!

- Em x


why brave little foxes?